
Follow along here to be updated on Bu i Sunnhordland's exciting events.


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Discover Sunnhordland life

by nina 26 April 2024
- "Stord is just right in size with a fine balance between city and countryside. This, combined with a 'forward-leaning' industry, provides good opportunities to find a good balance between exciting workplaces and a nice place to live."
by nina 26 April 2024
- In Sunnhordland there are lots of different events, clubs and businesses. Just find something that suits you!
Bilde av ein mannsperson.
by nina 26 April 2024
- I Sunnhordaland er det masse forskjellige arrangement, klubbar og bedrifter. Berre finn noko som passar deg!
Bilde av ein mannsperson med briller.
by nina 26 April 2024
- Stord er passeleg stort med fin balanse mellom by og land. Dette kombinert med ein «framoverlent» industri gir gode moglegheiter for å finne ein god balanse mellom spennande arbeidsplassar og kjekk buplass!
by asl 12 February 2024
A phone call during the summer vacation of 2018 led to significant changes for Marius Grønstøl. The conversation was decisive for both his relocation and new job. Now, he is a project manager in Skånevik, with a highly diverse work routine.
by nina 11 January 2024
Ein telefonsamtale i sommarferien 2018 førte til store endringar for Marius Grønstøl. Samtalen var utslagsgjevande for både flytting og ny jobb. No er han prosjektleiar i Skånevik med ein veldig variert jobbkvardag.
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Follow along here to be updated on exciting events in the region.

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Photo: Tysnesfest

Visit Sunnhordland

See events in Sunnhordland


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SME has vacancies:

Project engineer

Electrical/automation service technician

Operators for exciting machining tasks


Sunnhordland Mek Verksted AS, Leknestangen 95, 5593 Skånevik

SME was established in 1958 and is based in Skånevik, Etne Municipality.

SME develops tailor-made products such as vehicles, stationary machines and system solutions for the smelting industry. The company has a turnover of between NOK 60-70 million and has 41 employees. SME has its own technical department of 10 employees with expertise in mechanics, hydraulics, electricity and project management.

Photo: Visit Sunnhordland

Are you ready for a change?

Do you like a fast pace, or do you dream of the quiet life by the sea? Are you longing for a challenge, or are you looking for something safe and warm? In Sunnhordland you don't have to choose!

Sunnhordland is always changing. In the break between mountains and sea, between the traditional and the hypermodern, you will find opportunities to live exactly the life you desire.

Trainee Sunnhordland

Trainee Sunnhordland is a program where you, as a trainee company, give recent graduates with bachelor's or master's education relevant experience and the chance to get a job. Your company gets a motivated candidate with fresh skills and curiosity.

Trainee is an attractive program for newly graduated students to apply for, which provides positive ripple effects for your company, strengthens buzz and reputation.

Do they want to become a Trainee company?*

There will be an information meeting about the trainee program in autumn 2023, date to come!

*Because in order to take part in the trainee programme, one of the conditions is that the company is our partner, read more about this here Become our partner (

Young techno

Development of new and existing businesses will require new paths to be taken.

Ung Tekno is a project that links technology and vocational subjects together with entrepreneurship. Through the project, those as a company will have the opportunity to shed light on the connection between technology and vocational subjects, what competences will be needed in the future and how one must think outside the traditional "box" when it comes to successful further education in the coming years.

The project is a collaboration between business and Bu in Sunnhordland, and the target group is the 9th grade of the current skiing. Over two days, the students will work together with a mentor from the company on a problem the company has.

Ung Tekno gives young people an opportunity to become familiar with working life, and is a good way to introduce the future generation to your company.

Does your company wish to join Ung Tekno?

Registration slips posted in autumn 2023. The project will be carried out in spring 2024, around Easter time.

Photo: Visit Sunnhordland

Young techno

Development of new and existing businesses will require new paths to be taken.

Ung Tekno is a project that links technology and vocational subjects together with entrepreneurship. Through the project, those as a company will have the opportunity to shed light on the connection between technology and vocational subjects, what competences will be needed in the future and how one must think outside the traditional "box" when it comes to successful further education in the coming years.

The project is a collaboration between business and Bu in Sunnhordland, and the target group is the 9th grade of the current skiing. Over two days, the students will work together with a mentor from the company on a problem the company has.

Ung Tekno gives young people an opportunity to become familiar with working life, and is a good way to introduce the future generation to your company.

Does your company wish to join Ung Tekno?

Registration slips posted in autumn 2023. The project will be carried out in spring 2024, around Easter time.

Photo: Visit Sunnhordland

Photo: Visit Sunnhordland

Trainee Sunnhordland

- a unique career start!

Are you looking for a job with a little extra? Check out Trainee Sunnhordland.

Our trainee program offers you your own mentoring scheme,

development program and social activities together with others,

where you make good contact.

You will network, build expertise and become familiar with what our beautiful region of Sunnhordland has to offer.

Vacant trainee positions will be launched in winter 2024, date to come.

Start trainee program August 2024.

Are you looking for a job with a little extra? Check out Trainee Sunnhordland.

Our trainee program includes:

    Development program for you as a recent graduate and new to working life. Social activities together with your trainee group. Own development plan and mentor see trainee company

You will have a unique opportunity to network, build expertise and get to know what our great region of Sunnhordland has to offer.

The positions will be launched in December 2023

Would you like to be the first to see the job advertisements? Register in link

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