Nice people in Sunnhordland

Get to know nice people in Sunnhordland.

Why did they choose Sunnhordland as their home and workplace, and what do they see as good about the region.

We are all different and have different wishes for what we should fill "the good life" with. For some it is about the green shift, career opportunities or for others leisure. Sunnhordland gives you options to choose from.
by nina 26 April 2024
- "Stord is just right in size with a fine balance between city and countryside. This, combined with a 'forward-leaning' industry, provides good opportunities to find a good balance between exciting workplaces and a nice place to live."
by nina 26 April 2024
- In Sunnhordland there are lots of different events, clubs and businesses. Just find something that suits you!
Bilde av ein mannsperson.
by nina 26 April 2024
- I Sunnhordaland er det masse forskjellige arrangement, klubbar og bedrifter. Berre finn noko som passar deg!
Bilde av ein mannsperson med briller.
by nina 26 April 2024
- Stord er passeleg stort med fin balanse mellom by og land. Dette kombinert med ein «framoverlent» industri gir gode moglegheiter for å finne ein god balanse mellom spennande arbeidsplassar og kjekk buplass!
by asl 12 February 2024
A phone call during the summer vacation of 2018 led to significant changes for Marius Grønstøl. The conversation was decisive for both his relocation and new job. Now, he is a project manager in Skånevik, with a highly diverse work routine.
by nina 11 January 2024
Ein telefonsamtale i sommarferien 2018 førte til store endringar for Marius Grønstøl. Samtalen var utslagsgjevande for både flytting og ny jobb. No er han prosjektleiar i Skånevik med ein veldig variert jobbkvardag.
by asl 27 November 2023
Inga Margrethe Fagerbakke's perfect workday is when she gets to talk to good colleagues, meet interesting students, and write research articles related to the PhD she is working on. She gladly tops it off with a swim in Breivikjo, a good podcast, and time with her family.
by asl 27 November 2023
Inga Margrethe Fagerbakke sin perfekte arbeidsdag er når ho får prate med gode kollegaer, møte kjekke studentar,- og skrive forskingsartiklar knytt til doktorgraden ho held på med. Ho toppar det gjerne med eit bad i Breivikjo, ein god podkast - og tid med familien.
by asl 27 November 2023
Vibeke H. Kvarven has been out in the world studying and working. Ten years in Japan, England, Bergen, and Stavanger are noted on her CV. But the attraction to Sunnhordland has always been there. Now she is back in the archipelago. She lives on Bømlo, works as a study advisor in Stord, and plays the violin in her free time. A great combination!
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