The town planner who likes the countryside the most.
asl • 27. november 2023


Namn: Eileen P. Selland

Company and position: Etne Municipality, Advisor for Planning and Environment

Background: Master's in Urban Planning from UiS

From: Etne

Resides: Etne

A little private: Recently married after being together for 13 years, with 3 children aged 2, 4, and (soon) 7. Has a dog.

Listens to: Mostly P2 at work. I haven't jumped on the Podcast wave.

Watches: Fantasy and Sci-Fi. When I'm done with Grogu, I sometimes watch Young Sheldon.

Hobbies: I enjoy having a book in my hand or watching movies with my dog Lakris by my side and kids playing around me. I also sing in the Skakkekoret choir.

- I thought that a job in the municipality would be an ideal starting point to create a change in the physical environment I interact with every day.

  • What type of company do you work for? I work in the municipality in the development department.

  • How did you get this job? I worked in planning in the private sector for 9 years before applying for a job as an advisor in planning in the municipality where I live and grew up.

  • Why was it interesting for you? I thought that a job in the municipality would be an ideal starting point to create a change in the physical environment I am in every day. The idea of being able to influence how our public spaces look and create activities for all ages and stages of life attracted me to choose a "municipal job".

  • What does your work involve? I mostly start the planning processes by getting involved in a preliminary project. This allows me to be involved in shaping our outdoor areas in an early stage. Through planning, areas for development, transportation routes, and recreation areas are designated, and requirements are set for how these should look and be used. Along the way, there is an opportunity to meet the local population and listen to their interests and desires.

  • Why did you choose to work and settle in Sunnhordland? I was born and raised in Sunnhordland. I tried living in the "big city" (Stavanger) for several years but wanted to come home every weekend. I missed being seen in the way that you can only experience in a small community.

  • What is extra good about living here besides the job? With a view of the fjord and the village in front of me, and Hodlestadnuten (a mountain) behind me, I have concluded that it's nice that I settled down in the village I grew up in. Here, I have a reasonable amount of freedom to choose what I want to do, and there is room to be both busy and peaceful. The road to friends and family is short, and familiar faces can be found around every corner.

  • What are your tips for others considering moving to Sunnhordland? In Sunnhordland, there is tourism, culture, singing and music, history, impressive geology, hiking, hunting, fishing, diverse industries, local food, and most importantly: an engaged group of volunteers who are incredibly skilled at making things happen. If you want to make a difference in your local community, you won't be left undecided in a village like Etne. And hey... the fast boat regularly goes to Bergen city.

  • A perfect workday for me is: The smell of a warm cup of coffee and alternating between working efficiently and discussing solutions with colleagues.
Av nina 26. april 2024
- "Stord is just right in size with a fine balance between city and countryside. This, combined with a 'forward-leaning' industry, provides good opportunities to find a good balance between exciting workplaces and a nice place to live."
Av nina 26. april 2024
- In Sunnhordland there are lots of different events, clubs and businesses. Just find something that suits you!
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